Tools of the Mind

Tools of the Mind

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Field Trip to Sewall Woods

The Kennebec Estuary Land Trust has some amazing properties under their stewardship. We were invited by one of their naturalists, Becky K., to go on a hike in Sewall Woods, and see the sights. It dovetailed nicely with our camping theme in class, and the sun was shining as well. Just getting on the big yellow school bus was very exciting. But the walk in the woods, with lovely accoutrements by Miss Becky was really fun. She invited us to use (almost) all of our senses to enjoy this walk. We listened to birds, sniffed wintergreen plants, matched textures and colors of man-made items with natural items, and observed bracken ferns, nurse stumps, star flowers, trail blazes, beech leaves, maple leaves, hemlock trees, a pond, collected treasures and walked across bog bridges.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to have missed this trip. Thanks for the GREAT pictures!
