Tools of the Mind

Tools of the Mind

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

A New School Year!

Hello Pre-K families and Students!

Mrs. Ricciardone and I are really looking forward to seeing you at Pre-K screening on Wednesday, September 2nd, and the following day, September 3rd, at our Open House. You will have received a newsletter with details about these events in the mail.

Our first day of Pre-K is Tuesday, September 8th. Please walk your child to our classroom at drop-off time (8:15 to 8:30). Help your child get settled by helping her/him hang up their jacket and backpack, saying hello to Mrs. Ricciardone and Mrs. Bridgman, doing the Mystery Question (to be explained), and choosing a free choice activity. When you, the adult, decide it is time to leave, a matter of fact "Goodbye and see you later," works well. Please send along a healthy snack. Pick up time is at 12:00.

See you soon!
Mrs. Bridgman