Tools of the Mind

Tools of the Mind

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Particulars for Pre-K Families

In Pre-K, on any given day, we are likely to use paint and glue and wonderfully messy materials, and play outside in the elements. Please consider having your child wear clothes daily that can withstand these activities. On Fridays, we go to PE in the gym, where Ms. McCauley requests that we all wear sneakers. 

Any questions, problems or celebrations? We want to hear about them. I am at school for a bit of time before and after school.  My e-mail is If you choose to communicate by e-mail, and I don’t respond quickly, our school spam filter may have not recognized the importance of your message and bumped it into spam. Please let me know and we can fix that problem.

Mrs. Bridgman


Family Play Theme

Dear Pre-K Families,

I wonder if you've been hearing about how we are playing "family" here in our pre-k classroom? Each traditional center has taken on an added layer of materials/props, and transformed into a room of a house. For example, the art center has become the laundry room, the literacy center has become the living room, the math center ... the bedroom, blocks ... the garage, and science is the bathroom. The kids pretend to be a member of a family, and draw a picture of themselves doing an activity in the room they have chosen for our dramatic play time. Then off they go to that "room" and try to play in their role for the next twenty minutes or so. It is an engaging time of our morning, with built in academics and self regulation and fun!

So, questions you may want to ask of your student after school might be, "What center did you go to today?" "Who did you pretend to be?" "What does the (for example) uncle, do in the (for example) garage?"

Approved volunteers are invited to join us at dramatic play time, usually 9-9:30 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. You would be invited to take on a pretend family member role and help the kids play. It's busy and fun! I'll have a sign up calendar so you can let us know when you might be coming.

Quite soon, I will be posting pictures of the kids working and playing during our school day here on the blog. Awaiting a few more permission slips before that happens. If you have not given permission for your child's picture to be on our blog (we never use names), I will respect that wish and be filtering which pictures we use accordingly.

Thanks for getting those kids to school everyday.

love, Mrs. Bridgman