Tools of the Mind

Tools of the Mind

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Pre-K Friendship with Kennebec Estuary Land Trust

KELT (Kennebec Estuary Land Trust) has a talented naturalist who does community outreach in some of the local pre-k classrooms, including Dike Newell School. Miss Becky came to meet us today, and teach us some cool stuff about local birds. She'll come back next week to review and build upon that information. Then in May, KELT will fund a pre-k field trip to nearby Sewall Woods, where we'll hike, observe nature, and enjoy this lovely land preserve. 

Here are some pictures from today. Notice how Becky has every student's full attention.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Spring Lamb comes to visit!

First hand experiences are one of the hallmarks of quality Pre-K classrooms. We are in the midst of our Pets and Vets dramatic play theme, and Mrs. Ricciardone arranged for us to have a visit with Moses, a 2 month old lamb, with his sheep farmer, Willow. Moses and Willow delighted each of the children with patient answers to questions and allowing kids to gently pet the lamb, and sink their fingers into his thick black fleece.