Tools of the Mind

Tools of the Mind

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Visit to the Dike Newell School Library

Mrs. Hernandez invited Pre-K to visit the school library today. Dike Newell School PTA generously paid for a new book for each student, and we had a great selection to choose from. The kids were very well behaved during our visit, too. Here we are back in our classroom with our new books.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Stone Soup

Dear Families,

To celebrate this feasting time of year with a literacy connection, Pre-K will be making Stone Soup tomorrow. If you are able to send along a vegetable to add to the soup, or can stay for a few minutes at drop-off time tomorrow morning, and peel and chop vegetables with the kids, we'd appreciate it. We'll be assembling the soup on Tuesday and feasting at snack time (10 ish) on Wednesday. You are welcome to join us then as well - please give me a heads up, if you think you can come).

Thank you!
Mrs. Bridgman

Tuesday update ... Many, many thanks to the families who sent in vegetables and/or were willingly conscripted into peeling and chopping vegetables with the kids this morning. 

At 11:30, we gathered around the tables with each student having an ingredient of the soup in front of them. We reread Stone Soup and assembled the soup as we read. 

The soup is bubbling away on the stove as I post this tonight ... It smells wonderful. We'll serve it (minus the round gray stone) at snack time on Wednesday, around 10. Student families are welcome to join us!

Wednesday update:
Many kids tried Stone Soup today. Two asked for seconds... We had several parents join us for the "feast". Thanks for the multifaceted assistance to make this celebration happen. Soup from a stone, fancy that!