Tools of the Mind

Tools of the Mind

Friday, April 8, 2016

collaboration with KELT

Dear Pre-K Families,

We were visited this week by naturalist, Becky Kolak, from the Kennebec Estuary Land Trust. She talked with us about local birds and the attributes of their beaks and feet. She'll be back twice more, once for a follow up chat and bird craft, and then in May, she will take our class on a field trip to one of the local land trusts, paid for by KELT.

The kids were totally engaged in what she had to say ...

Monday, April 4, 2016

Hi Pre-K Families,

Interesting news from our classroom. We have been chosen to be the Tools of the Mind Twitter Classroom/Teacher of the month of April. (Kind of like a tongue twister, only not... Certainly a mouthful!)  It is a way for Tools teachers to get peeks inside Tools classrooms around the country. The Tools of the Mind curriculum is currently used nationally in 18 states with 40,000 to 50,000 students. So there are lots of great and new ideas out there.

Here is the address for the twitter page if you are interested.

Thanks for giving media permission to post your kids' pics on there. We never use the kids' names.

Mrs. Bridgman