Tools of the Mind

Tools of the Mind

Thursday, March 17, 2016

More Pets and Vets dramatic play pictures

Dear Families,

The kids seem to be enjoying our new play theme, Pets and Vets. Their play plans (the pictures with the beginning writing) are really coming along as well. You'll see pictures of the kids doing what they plan to do in their chosen centers, and lines representing words of their messages. For some kids, you'll see letters for the sounds in words, too. If you have a chance to ask the kids to read you their plans, or tell you about the pictures they drew, it would be most appreciated.

the Pet Groomers today ...

the Dog Show center today (the judge is setting up a jump for the dogs ...)

the Humane Society ...

the Pet Bakery (they were soooo busy here today!) ...

the Vet Office (not so busy today - time to call and chat with friends)

The kids also went to a dress rehearsal of the DNS kindergarten concert in the cafeteria today. They used lots of great audience etiquette ... watching the performers, staying in their spots, and listening carefully. I was really proud of them.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Dear Families,

Arghhh. All of our picture slideshows have gone dark! I'm working on this with our technology department. It seems Google is shutting down Picasa, which is where the slideshows were created. Thanks for standing by until we come up with a work around.

Mrs. Bridgman

March 18
Wait - the slideshows are back! I am unable to explain their reappearance from my end. We'll take it though.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Theme Building for Pets and Vets

Hi Pre-K Families,

The kids are just starting our new play theme, Pets and Vets. Starting a new theme takes a bit of time. New props have to be made and added to our centers. We need to learn about the roles of folks that would usually be in each place, and what they would do and say. We read books to learn, and go on some virtual field trips with online eBooks that are helpful. We discuss and model situations that would normally happen at the different centers. 

So, we are developing five new centers to go along with Pets and Vets. The Vet Office, the Humane Society, the Pet Bakery, the Pet Groomers, and the Dog Show. The dramatic play area is still the kitchen, with the addition of a dog, cat and pretend aquarium. 

Here's a quick pic of a pet getting clipped, shampooed, be-ribboned, you name it, from the Pet Groomers today. More to come as we get into our theme!