Tools of the Mind

Tools of the Mind

Friday, February 15, 2013

5-2-1-0 Link

As vacation is upon us, thought I'd include this informative link from our 5210 website for your perusal.

Valentine's Day in Pre-K

Well, I bet you thought you might see lots of pictures of your kids in their red and Valentine themed outfits that you sent them to school in ... Or our mini celebrations during the day ... Ha. I'll have to say, we had a very busy day getting treasured Valentines in each other's bags. It was a complex effort and involved lots of teamwork among the children. The results may not have been perfect (ie, did you get a misplaced Valentine or two in your child's bag, per chance?) and I didn't get a chance to grab the camera as this was happening.

So this post's slideshow highlights kids getting dressed for outside play independently, and the resulting play in the snow. Our RSU1 Wellness committee will appreciate this focus anyway.

Many thanks for all the thoughtful Valentines and treats that came to school yesterday. We love your kids!

Sincerely, Mrs. Bridgman and Mrs. Peavey

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Painting My Favorite Part

According to Maine's Early Childhood Learning Guidelines, specifically early language and literacy, one of the indicators of what children should know and be able to do when they enter kindergarten is retell information from a story. A Tools of the Mind classroom practices this several times daily with a brief discussion about "what was interesting" or "what was your favorite part" or "text to me connections," following a read aloud story. Your kids are pretty good at it! We decided to paint our favorite part of the Eeenie Meenie Mouse story today. Using watercolor paints. A hush fell over the room as they got right down to painting. Here's what our class looked like ...


I'm hoping you notice the lovely hand grasps of the paint brushes and the sharing of materials, as well as the paintings themselves. Please look for them in your student's bag or backpack tomorrow, and ask your child, "What was your favorite part?" 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Family Newsletter 2-3-2013

Dear Pre-K Families,

We'd like to invite you to look at our bulletin board on the left side of the hall before you enter our classroom. Your kids have work displayed there of which Mrs. Peavey and I are quite proud. You will see Venger Drawings, the results of an activity where we pass around a shape (in this case a rhombus), and brainstorm about what this shape could be part of. For example,a student might say, "This rhombus could be part of a diamond ring." Then the kids draw their idea and some add writing as well. This math activity helps kids recognize basic geometric shapes, use basic shapes as building blocks in their own pictures, mentally construct and deconstruct real world objects into their basic shapes and learn about using shapes purposefully.

The other recent display is our Helicopter Learning Facts, a connection with our Medivac Helicopter Center and Hospital Theme in play centers. The kids listen to a nonfiction text (sometimes just a few pages of a book), and draw and write about what they thought was interesting. The purpose of this activity is to practice remembering on purpose, use drawing and writing as a tool to remember, strengthen oral language skills and build vocabulary, and provide another context in which to practice writing and letter sounds. It also helps us experience listening to different genres of literature and develop a love of reading.

I predict your kids enjoyed both of these activities. Try asking them about their work as you walk by next time.


Mrs. Bridgman and Mrs. Peavey