Tools of the Mind

Tools of the Mind

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The final center comes to life for our camping theme ...

The kids have patiently waited for something to appear in our math center related to our camping theme. I have been waiting for the right cardboard box to show up ... I think this will get some kid-made wheels (or not) and be some sort of cabin or RV or camper trailer. Anyhow, it'll be fun to play with the last few days of preschool!

We have dedicated family volunteers that fill  a variety of needs in our classroom. Sometimes, one shows up magically at the exact right moment and knows just what to do to engage the kids. Like Jill ...

Thank you for all the classroom support, whether it is getting your kids to school on time, listening to reports of their days after school, reading their play plans, or coming in to the classroom and on field trips. We have all greatly benefited from it.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Beach Trip

To support our dramatic play camping theme, which includes a beach center, Pre-K went on a field trip to the beach today. The weather was stellar, with enough of a breeze to keep bugs away and to keep kids from wanting to immerse in the chilly water. Wading up to one's ankles was permitted, and kids and chaperones found some green crabs, lots of shells and beach glass, and quite a collection of deceased jellyfish that had been stranded on the sand. There was an old boat and lobster trap to explore. We enjoyed making s'mores around a campfire, and having cantaloupe and blueberries for snack. I think we all came home with sand between our toes. Lots of fun!