Tools of the Mind

Tools of the Mind

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Upcoming dates

Dear Families,

Several upcoming dates to keep in mind ...

November 11th, Veteren's Day - No preschool.

Parent Teacher conferences for pre-k will be on Thursday, November 20th. We'll have a sign up sheet for the 20 minute time slots next week.

There is no preschool on November 25, 26 or 27th (Thanksgiving week).

Our dramatic play theme of "Family" will end this week. Next week we'll choose and play in our regular centers, and also include some theme building and prop making for our next play theme, "Restaurants."

Your kids are doing a nice job with their play plans. Those are the half sheets of paper that come home with a self drawn picture of the student pretending to be a family member (like a mom or the brother or the aunt or grandfather.) Planning on how one will play, then following through with that plan is a step down the road to the all important self-regulation which is a major focus of our curriculum. It would be great if you'd ask your student to tell you about the picture and what center they chose that day. There may be student drawn lines that indicate spaces for words of their message, and some beginning sounds of words on those lines for some (all kids eventually), as well as teacher written words that indicate the student's message.

We've enjoyed family volunteers in our classroom lately. Joining us any day during dramatic play time (usually 9 to 9:30 ish), or on Tuesday and Thursdays from 11:30 to 12 ish for creative art and story time, is helpful. Or give us a heads up for other times you wish to come. 

Thanks for helping us make preschool a great place!

Mrs. Bridgman

Friday, October 10, 2014

Enjoying fruit snacks, cookie dough exploration, and painting with cinnamon enhanced paint!

Hi Families,

Our school receives grant money that provides free fruit or veggies at snack time for us. Your kids are welcome to bring their own snack and/or partake in this as well. Most of the kids enjoyed the orange wedges one day this past week!

With our dramatic play theme being "family" at the moment, partaking in elements of baking by playing with molasses cookie dough (as if it were play dough) seemed appropriate and engaging. We read the favorite kid's book,"If You Give a Mouse a Cookie," rolled dough into balls and other shapes, placed them on cookie sheets, and had baked molasses cookies and milk for snack the following day. (No need to read this sentence aloud to your student, but you might be reassured to know we used different cookie dough when we baked the ones for eating ...)

 Also on the following slide show are a few pictures of the kids painting a paper plate for an apple shape, using cinnamon enhanced red paint. They really enjoyed this activity, and painted up to the very last minute of preschool time that morning.