Tools of the Mind

Tools of the Mind

Monday, March 18, 2013

After going on our field trip to see the owls, we had a Graphics Practice session where we drew owls. We used geometric shapes we already know to make up the parts of the owl/owls. They came out great!

Offering some pictures of our Pets and Vets dramatic play in action. Our centers have transformed from the Math center to the Vet's Office, from Literacy to the Humane Society, from Art to the Pet Food Store, from Science to the Pet Groomer, and from Blocks to the Obedience School. The kitchen area is still the kitchen area only with the addition of a cat. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Owl Field Trip

Hi Pre-K Families,

We had a very successful field trip to watch the Wind Over Wings owl presentation today. The bus ride was great, and the owls were REALLY great. We saw a saw-whet owl, a screech owl and a great horned owl. Pippen and Queen Solomon were 2 of the 3 names. These were rescued owls that can never fly again, and we learned stories about how they all came to be rescued. Ask your kids about this. We learned about what we can do to help prevent wildlife from needing to be rescued: dispose of trash responsibly, recycle, cut the plastic constraints that hold cans and bottles together, and pop balloons. (Also, we are so proud to report that your kids were very well behaved!)

Mrs. Bridgman and Mrs. Peavey

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Pre-K has a new play theme - Pets and Vets. I thought you'd be interested in how your kids put many of the individual shapes we practice, into making a whole portrait of a dog, or several dogs. Beautiful work! (There is also one nice picture of Buddy Reading at the start of the slide show.)