Tools of the Mind

Tools of the Mind

Friday, December 18, 2015

Pre-K Winter Weather Policy

If there is No School for RSU1, that means No School for CHOICES (Pre-K) students.

If there is a 1 hour delay for RSU1, Pre-K will have a 1 hour delay as well (except on Wednesdays ... read on).

If there is a 2 hour delay for RSU1, Pre-K will be cancelled, the thought being we don't want Pre-K families out driving in bad conditions for one and a half hours of preschool.

Wednesdays are an exception, because of the late start. A 1 hour delay on Wednesdays actually equals a 2 hour delay, when one factors in the late start time. So any delay on Wednesdays, means no school for Pre-K students.

Seems a little complex, but we are doing our best to put kids first.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

caribou learning facts and decorating reindeer muffins

We learned some interesting facts about caribou (another name for reindeer) in pre-k today. Did you know that both male and female caribou have antlers? Did you know they can run really fast (48 mph!)?  Did you know the inner parts of their hooves become soft in the summer (to walk on the tundra) and then those inner parts shrink in the winter (to let the outer rims provide traction on the ice, kind of like studded snow tires)?  And, the knees of many species of reindeer are adapted to produce a clicking sound as they walk!

We also enjoyed decorating and eating reindeer muffins at the end of our morning.The kids are experts at setting the tables for a party; tablecloths, plates, napkins and a pre-k centerpiece of greens and pretend candles.

Friday, December 11, 2015

P E Team Builders

In PE today, the kids worked together in teams to build amazing structures, some of which are on display in this quick slideshow ...

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Hanukkah, a holiday meant to be explored by pre-k! Playing with dreidels (oh, that fine motor skill of spinning), counting Hanukkah candles and arranging them in the menorah, turning the Foley food mills to make applesauce, and tasting latkes with families ... We are having a great week and are thankful this holiday lasts eight days.