Tools of the Mind

Tools of the Mind

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Last week we had a run of frigid weather that prevented our going outside at recess. Extreme conditions called for extreme measures ... (and I admit it is something we've wanted to try with the kids). We had an "all in" finger painting session. Most of the kids enjoyed it a lot, some were really delighted with the experience. And one student told his family it was disgusting and revolting (how's that for vocabulary building?) The artistic results are on display in our art center, or you may have discovered a curled up spare in your child's back pack.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January news from Pre-K

January sees us nicely into playing in our Grocery Store theme centers. As usual, the underlying centers have transformed, this time into parts of a grocery store ...

Art has become the Bakery
Literacy - the Floral Department
Math - the Seafood Department
Dramatic Play-  the Produce Department
Blocks - the Loading Dock
Science the Checkout area

I was a little unsure as to how this theme would roll out, but so far, the kids seem to like all the centers. This is good news because the play in the various centers  is an important motivator for writing their play plans, as well as some of the self regulation we are going for in the pretend play.

With this winter weather, I'd like to state our "in general" policy, that if there is a one hour delay due to weather at the start of school, pre-k is in session. But if there is a two hour delay, pre-k will be cancelled.

There are days when the school office tells us it is too cold for outside recess. The kids have some free choice with the ever popular Lego sack and table activities, and today we included a walk throughout the school  to stretch our legs. I'm hoping that next week will include some outside weather, a great chance to practice our "getting dressed in winter" skills.